
SBV follows the curriculum that connects with NCERT . The academic committee seriously reviews the curriculum and make corrections wherever required.

The methodology are designed to emphasis on confidence building, group learning hand on experience and communicative competency.

  • Logical, analytical ad critical thinking
  • Ability to apply problem solving positive thinking
  • Self confidence to express themselves verbally and in writing.

SBV’S – The World of Kindergarten

SBV kindergarten is the happiest place in the school , the tiny tots spread cheers all around. First step.. lasting memories… little hands… big hearts..innocent smiles.. honest eyes.. new friends… lots of play.. more of learning.. no exams… only excellence and growing…

“Good teaching begins with knowing the learners” SBV strategy is to relate our little tots through strong and healthy relationships that teachers of young children can guide their learning and behavior.. play is one powerful way in which children learn fast we use, flash cards, live demonstration, puppet shows, story telling, hands n activity and technology for teaching our tiny tots. Thumb printing , collage work, spray painting vegetable printing are the few of the activities conducted for them to bring out their hidden Gross motor and fine motor skills.

We conduct competitions like elocution , recitation, drawing, story telling, dance, shoe lace tying.. hand writing and coloring. ( Language Skills) .We create awareness of healthy food with a message of “ Eat healthy Stay healthy “ which enthuses as well as educate them ( Physical domain) To teach colors we celebrated Red day , yellow day, blue day , green day black and white day. The students bring toys and eat snacks of the respective hues. The students are encouraged in extra curricular activities lie game, art, craft and various other activities that make the memories of their stay in school interesting and worth remembering.

Competitions are organized to celebrate the bond between parents and students , Smiling completion was the highlight . This inculcates socio emotional bond.

SBV Kindergarten is the point of welcome for the students into the world of education. SBV creates positive impact to look forward to their higher classes and imbibe a healthy love for learning. It is with this mind that SBV Kindergarten development approach our children everyday.SBV always hope's to prepare our young wards with love to meet the challenges ahead.

SBV – Primary School

SBV adopts a mix of teaching methodologies in primary level which makes the learning process a fun. Learning is not limited to class rooms but uses wide array of methods these includes text books, worksheets, DVD, internet, Field visit, educational tours, seminars, participating in competitions, projects, micro classes, and hands on experiences.


(GRADE 1 TO 8)

Core subject Math, Science, Social
Language 1 English
Language 2 Tamil/ Hindi/ French
Language 3 Hindi /French
Additional Subjects Life skills, ICT, GK.

School Timings (Kindergarten)

Assembly 08:55 a.m to 09:10 a.m
Rhymes & Songs Time 09:10 a.m to 09:50 a.m
Snacks Times 09:50 a.m to 10:00 a.m
II Period 10:00 a.m to 10:40 a.m
III Period 10:40 a.m to 11:20 a.m
IV Period 11:20 a.m to 12:00 a.m
Values, Art and craft 11:50 p.m to 12:30 p.m
Lunch 12:00 p.m to 1:00 p.m
V Period 1:00 p.m to 1:40 p.m
Break 1:40 p.m to 1:50 p.m
VI Period 1:50 p.m to 2:30 p.m
Games 2:30 p.m to 3:10 p.m
Manners 3:10 p.m to 3:30 p.m

School Timings (Grade I to VIII)

Assembly 08:55 a.m to 09:10 a.m
I Period 09:10 a.m to 09:50 a.m
II Period 09:50 a.m to 10:30 a.m
Short Recess 10:30 a.m to 10:40 a.m
III Period 10:40 a.m to 11:20 a.m
IV Period 11:20 a.m to 12:00 p.m
Lunch 12:40 p.m to 01:20 p.m
V Period 1:20 p.m to 02:00 p.m
Short Recess 02:00 p.m to 02:10 p.m
VI Period 02:10 p.m to 02:45 p.m
VII Period 02:45 p.m to 03:20 p.m
VIII Period 03:20 p.m to 04:15 p.m

School Rules & Regulations

  • A student should carry his or her ID card at all time
  • Students who come to school using their own transport should arrive at school before the bell rings.
  • Change of classroom between the periods should be done in silence and in orderly fashion.
  • Students should be clean and neatly dressed.
  • Students who sloppily dressed or not in full uniform will be sent home.
  • Boys should get their haircut at regular intervals
  • Girls should dress modestly.
  • Girls with hair below shoulder length should wear their hair in a simple single or double braid. No fancy hairstyles or color clips are permitted.
  • Students are expected to be well mannered, obedient and respectful in all times to teachers and visitors.
  • Students are expected to respect the properties of others.
  • Bullying and the use of foul language or punishable and offensive.
  • Parents and guardians should not visit their ward or teachers in class room without the permission of principal.
  • Students are strictly are strictly not allowed to carry any electronic device or instruments.

Academic calendar

June to April